Cooperative Research:
“Fisherman are part of the solution”
Lokahi Fishing Application: Testing Software to Increase Engagement with Fishermen and Managers
April 2023 - October 2023
Preliminary Findings from early app testing July 2023
Lokahi Fishing LLC developed a fishing application for the Hawaiian Islands to support fishers and help record catch and fisheries data for better management. This app helps to increase communication between fishermen, improve record keeping and inform the community on important and timely fishing issues through the use of cellphone technology. The app has the following key features: Daily catch reports, Video insider tips and tricks, Personal catch log in the cloud, Wind-Weather-Tide and Moon live data feeds, Post catch photos and share with your friends, and Push notifications.
In 2022 Pacific Islands Fisheries Group recognizing the need for empowering fishers and fisheries data collection by fishers approached Lokahi Fishing LLC to work with them on cooperative research. The outcome of the project was a vision of developing and implementing survey questions that poll fishers and providing a 2-way communication feature to allow fisheries managers and fishers to engage.
Over the course of 2023, the cooperative research grant was carried out by Lokahi Fishing, Staff from Pacific Islands Fisheries Group, and the Western Pacific Fisheries Council Staff. The meetings between staff, fishermen, and non-profit helped build on the ideas and ability to meet both the needs and questions from within the community as well as interact through a new mode of technology. This project serves as an example of cooperative research and empowering fishers.
Link to Lokahi Fishing Application: Click Here
PIFG Conducts Cooperative Research in support of the Pacific Islands, Federal and State Fisheries Management with a vision and mission to support the sustainability of Hawaii’s fisheries and fishers’ culture and way of life. Some of the projects are listed below.