Fish Today for Fish Tomorrow
PIFG challenges you to be responsible and do your part in maintaining our Pacific island fishing heritage and traditions by personally promoting sound resource conservation to ensure ample fish for future generations. Or as PIFG likes to say, “fish today for fish tomorrow.”
Celebrating Tradition, Science, and Pacific Fisheries
Pacific Island Fisheries Group (PIFG) is a 501 (C) 3 Non-Profit Organization working throughout the Pacific Islands to perpetuate culture, traditional knowledge, fisheries management, research, and sustainability. PIFG implements this strategy through the following programs:
Lawai’a Magazine
Connecting with the Pacific Islands' Fishing Heritage
New Projects
Maunalua Bay Project Restoring the Heritage and environment
Cooperative Research
Research and Support to Pacific Fisheries and Fisheries Management
PIFG Tag It Project
10,000 Fish tagged, and safely released
Preserving Local Knowledge
Perpetuating and recording local fisheries knowledge